
New vegas prostitution mod
New vegas prostitution mod

Using any other will result in the game not functioning properly. NOTE: Sexout REQUIRES the beta version, marked as " beta version 4.2b3".

  • Download and install the New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE), located here.
  • Download and install Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM), located here, or use the customized Sexout version located here.
  • new vegas prostitution mod

    For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed you are working with a fresh, clean install. Installation Installing the requirements If you are interested in playing Sexout in the Fallout 3 world, see this thread. Sexout is NOT designed for and is NOT supported for use with Fallout 3.

  • the Compatability Skeleton - BnB BodyExtender FAFF NVG.
  • new vegas prostitution mod

  • a mod manager (FOMM recommended, Wrye Flash and NMM may have limited/no support).

  • New vegas prostitution mod